Webwitch, Vol. 3 #5I (Pure Art Retail Incentive)

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Release: Mar 30, 2016
Cover: Feb 2016
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Pure Art Order Incentive Cover
82002300807005141 | Comic | 32 pages

The epic conclusion is here! Horrifying aliens collide with sexy spies as the battle for the Earth hinges all on Nina! Nina must face down the Queen of the Spider-Nation to halt the invasion. Or join her. Webwitch must decide the fate of her birth race and the terrible creatures that turned her into a monster. Webwitch is a unique sensual thrill ride that will satisfy the mature comics reader and good girl art aficionado in you!

RATED R for mature readers


Writer Matt Martin, Tim Vigil
Artist Adam McDaniel 
Inker Jeff Austin
Colorist Digikore Studios
Letterer Jaymes Reed
Editor William Christensen

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