Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #7H (1:20)

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Pirate Queen of Mars, Past Masters

Release: Oct 05, 2011
Cover: Oct 2011
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Paul Renaud Martian Red Cover (1:20)
725130176691 | Comic | 32 pages

Dejah Thoris's kingdom of Helium is in tatters, and, even worse, it's running out of water. Water is worth more than all the gold and jewels on Mars... except for the fabled treasure Phondari, the Pirate Queen of Mars, is hunting for. The treasure is just the thing Dejah needs to kick-start the reconstruction of Helium, But Phondari has attracted the attention of Xen Brega, her old master. Both Xen and Phondari are black pirates from the further moon of Mars. No one on Mars has a worse reputation than the moon pirates, and Dejah's going to find out why first hand in Dejah Thoris #7: The Sunstealer - don't miss it!


Writer Arvid Nelson
Artist Carlos Rafael
Cover Artist Alé Garza
Colorist Carlos Lopez
Letterer Marshall Dillon
Editor Joseph Rybandt


Dejah Thoris
Xen Brega

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