Just Imagine Stan Lee's JLA #1

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Release: Dec 19, 2001
Cover: Jan 2002
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
76194122696500111 | Squarebound | 48 pages

The DC heroes re-imagined by Stan Lee join forces in an incredible adventure, illustrated by Jerry Ordway (THE POWER OF SHAZAM!). What threat could lead wildly different heroes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and the Flash to join together as a team? And which heroes will survive the battle with the mysterious Dominic Darrk?


Writer Stan Lee
Artist Jerry Ordway, David Baron
Cover Artist Jerry Ordway, Adam Hughes
Colorist David Baron
Letterer Bill Oakley
Editor Mike Carlin


Wonder Woman (Earth-6) Maria Mendoza
Green Lantern (Earth-6) Len Lewis
Batman (Earth-6) Wayne Williams
Superman (Earth-6) Salden / Clark Kent
Flash (Earth-6) Mary Maxwell
Dominic Darrk (Earth-6)
Yggdrsil (Earth-6)
Lois Lane (Earth-6)
Blockbuster (Earth-6) Brock Smith
Parasite (Earth-6) Luncinda Radama

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