Doom Patrol, Vol. 6 #10A

Sale price€4,00


Nada, No Control

Release: Jan 24, 2018
Cover: Mar 2018
Modern Age | Color | USA | English
Regular Nick Derington Cover
76194134346401011 | Comic | 32 pages

The world is going haywire, and it's up to the Doom Patrol to save it from going to S#!%. Weird things continue to happen that only the Chief can (attempt to) explain. Plus, tap dancing, and secret origins revealed!


Writer Gerard Way
Cover Artist Nick Derington
Penciller Nick Derington
Inker Tom Fowler
Colorist Tamra Bonvillain
Letterer Todd Klein
Editor Jamie S. Rich, Molly Mahan
Editor in Chief Robert Harras


Negative Man Larry Trainor
Elasti-Girl Rita Farr
Crazy Jane Kay Challis
Danny the Street
Flex Mentallo
Chief Dr. Niles Caulder
Space Case Casey Brinke

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